MCN Gas Plumber check gas leaks

Gas leaks can make people feel dizzy, kill houseplants, raise utility bills, and even start explosions that can harm you and damage your property. Gas leak explosions often cause damage that can’t be fixed and costs a lot of money. As gas leaks can be dangerous, engineers have come up with several ways to detect them quickly and keep everyone safe and aware of the possible dangers in a home or business setting. Gas leaks are easy for plumbers to find these days, thanks to technology and the right training. Here are four things plumbers do to look for gas leaks:


Hissing sounds could be caused by a number of plumbing problems, all of which need to be looked at. If you hear hissing near the gas line, it could be a sign of a gas leak. A professional plumber will listen for strange sounds coming from different places to figure out if the problem is a gas leak or something else wrong with the plumbing or heating, ventilation, or air conditioning system.


If the flames coming from your burner are red or orange instead of blue, it can be a sign of a gas leak. When natural gas appliances are working well, the flames are blue, so a red or orange flame could mean there is a problem that needs to be fixed.


Plumbers can now find gas leaks much more easily thanks to technological innovations. There are a few choices, such as carbon monoxide alarms, detectors for explosive gases, and detectors for natural gas. These useful devices can be put in any home or business and run all day to find dangerous gases before it becomes untreatable. Most of the time, they are cheap and work well to let people inside or outside the building know if there is a gas leak.

There are some less technical ways to find gas leaks, such as using a soapy water test or noticing if your houseplants start suddenly dying. 

Read: How to Tell If Your House Has a Gas Leak

I think there’s a gas leak. Now what?

If you think there might be a gas leak in your home, do the following:

  1. Turn off the gas and any other appliances that use electricity.The first thing you should do is go outside and turn off your gas line’s main valve or switch, as well as all of your other electrical appliances.By turning everything off, you stop the flow of gas and keep sparks from starting a fire in your home.
  2. Open the windows right away
    Open the windows and doors to let gas out of your home. This will lower the risk of a fire and make it safe to go back in later.
  3. Get out of there right away
    You should leave the house right away until all of the gas has been cleared out.
    This will help protect your health because breathing in gas has a lot of bad health effects.
  1. Don’t light a cigarette or a match.
    This should go without saying, right?
  2. Contact a gas plumber!
    And once you’ve done all of that, you’ll need to call a gas plumber in Melbourne!

Need a gas plumber in Melbourne?

Immediately, call MCN Gas Plumbing!

If you see damage to a gas line, smell sulphur, or hear strange whistling sounds coming from a home or business, you should call a licenced plumber. They can quickly find the source of the problem and give safe advice on how to fix it, as well as how to avoid it in the future.

Gas plumbers within MCN Gas Plumbing’s team in Melbourne are licenced, registered, and have a lot of experience. We can install, reconnect, or repair any gas fittings in your home or place of business that are broken.

We can work for:

Gas connections

Finding gas leaks and fix them

Appliance disconnection

Installations for gas heater

Fixing and replacing LPG hot water systems

Gas appliance installation

Gasfitting for the workshop and light industry

You can call MCN Gas Plumbing at 0420 102 198 or fill out this form and we’ll call you back.

Because we have a fast-response emergency plumbing service, you can call us as soon as you notice a gas leak.



Scheduled servicing is available so you’ll never forget to maintain your gas services & avoid huge repairs. With us, we provide an on-time guarantee or we pay you $100! Read what our happy and satisfied customers said about our services.


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